
'use strict';

const EMMucSetting = require('./emmucsetting');
const EMMucSharedFile = require('./emmucsharedfile');

 * Easemob EMGroup implementation.

 * EMError constructor.
 * @constructor
 * @param {Object} group
function EMGroup(group) {
  this._group = group;

 * Get group's ID.
 * @return {String} 返回groupId
EMGroup.prototype.groupId = function () {
  return this._group.groupId();

 * Get group's subject.
 * @return {String} 返回组名称
EMGroup.prototype.groupSubject = function () {
  return this._group.groupSubject();

 * Get group's description.
 * @return {String} 返回组描述
EMGroup.prototype.groupDescription = function () {
  return this._group.groupDescription();

 * Get group's owner.
 * @return {String} 返回群主
EMGroup.prototype.groupOwner = function () {
  return this._group.groupOwner();

 * Get group's setting.
 * @return {EMMucSetting} 返回组设置
EMGroup.prototype.groupSetting = function () {
  return new EMMucSetting(this._group.groupSetting());

 * Get current members count.
 * @return {Number} 返回组成员计数
EMGroup.prototype.groupMembersCount = function () {
  return this._group.groupMembersCount();

 * Get current login user type.
 * @return {Number} 返回组成员类型
EMGroup.prototype.groupMemberType = function () {
  return this._group.groupMemberType();

 * Get whether push is enabled status.
 * @return {Bool} 返回是否允许发送消息
EMGroup.prototype.isPushEnabled = function () {
  return this._group.isPushEnabled();

 * Get whether group messages is blocked.
 * @return {Bool} 返回当前是否屏蔽群
EMGroup.prototype.isMessageBlocked = function () {
  return this._group.isMessageBlocked();

 * Get a copy of group's member list.
 * Note: Will return empty array if have not ever got group's members.
 * @return {Array} String list. 组成员列表
EMGroup.prototype.groupMembers = function () {
  return this._group.groupMembers();

 * Get a copy of group's bans.
 * Note: Will return empty array if have not ever got group's bans.
 * @return {Array} String list. 组禁言成员列表
EMGroup.prototype.groupBans = function () {
  return this._group.groupBans();

 * Get group's admins.
 * Note: Will return empty array if have not ever got group's admins.
 * @return {Array} String list. 组管理员列表
EMGroup.prototype.groupAdmins = function () {
  return this._group.groupAdmins();

 * Get group's mutes.
 * Note: Will return empty array if have not ever got group's mutes.
 * object is like {"key": name, "value": muteTime}.
 * @return {Array} Object list. 聊天室禁言列表
EMGroup.prototype.groupMutes = function () {
  return this._group.groupMutes();

 * Get group's shared files.
 * @return {Array} EMMucSharedFile array.
EMGroup.prototype.groupSharedFiles = function () {
  var result = this._group.groupSharedFiles();
  var list = new Array(result.length);
  for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
    list[i] = new EMMucSharedFile(result[i]);
  return list;

 * Get group's announcement.
 * @return {String} 群公告
EMGroup.prototype.groupAnnouncement = function () {
  return this._group.groupAnnouncement();

module.exports = EMGroup;